
Channel Zero Rising Sun TV on You Tube

Rei Sakanoue's Symphony No.5, Requiem for all the human beings, and GOD cries.

【DEMO】God and Mother Teresa No.3 Redemption: Symphony Orchestra Version. By Rei

坂の上零 作曲: 交響曲:神とマザーテレサにささげる 第3楽章 救い★マザーテレサのメッセージ入り

Americanized Capitalism, Globalism makes whole world the big Communism Rei Sakanoue(日本語字幕入り)

The Communism society ocurred in the Capitalism like today's US and Japan: By Rei Sakanoue

The Globalism today proccded by the Wall St leads the world to the BIG Fascio Communism (日本語字幕入り)

Robert Eldridge: OKINAWA's truth : Chinese & Koreans are in the violent disturbance in OKINAWA

Robert Eldridge / Systematic Racism in US and the Huge income gap in America/Rei Sakanoue

Interview to Dr Robert Eldridge★What makes conservative Japanese support Trump. By Rei Sakanoue

What Trump can do to America. Dr.Robert Eldridge /Rei Sakanoue's interview

Rei Sakanoue MUSIC LIVE Video clips

坂の上零 作詞 作曲 編曲 Deeper into love (Hip Pop) Rei Sakanoue (Lylics& Music compose)

Rei Sakanoue with Shigeo Fukuda, 1. Blue Bossa, 3. I'm fool to want you

坂の上零 Rei Sakanoue's JAZZ 1.I will wait for you, 2. Blue Bossa, 3. I'm fool to love you. 福田重男

Rei Sakanoue's original Jerusalem. エルサレム/坂の上零 作詞作曲 歌, /ピアノ 福田重男

Rei Sakanoue's classic Original. Symphony "Mother Teresa, No 3" Love to pray, 坂の上零の交響曲 マザーテレサ 第3番

Rei Sakanoue's Original, after Bosa Nova,「My destined one, 運命(さだめ)の人」作詞作曲・坂の上零 /ピアノ福田重男

Rei Sakanoue's original My destined one. 運命(さだめ)の人【坂の上零 作詞作曲】

Rei Sakanoue JAZZ live. You and the night and music, I fall in love too easily【Two songs】with 福田重男

Rei's JAZZ Live: Rei Sakaoue with Shigeo Fukuda, You and the night and music

Reiko Sakanoue Jazz Concert 2016 Encore music, I'll wait for you. 坂の上零: アンコール曲 「シュルブールの雨傘」

Reiko Sakaoue 坂の上零 Concert: I'll wait for you. シュルブールの雨傘 Aug 21,2016

Reiko Sakaoue's Symphony: For God and Mother Teresa No.3, Love to pray (Mother Teresa's message).

【Music】 Rising Sun, Arise!! 【SUMURAI, JAPAN】 Reiko Sakanoue (Rebecca) Music Video

【Music 和訳】 Rising Sun, Arise!! 日出でずる国よ、立ち上がれ!坂の上零(Reiko Sakanoue)オリジナル曲 【日本】
